Can I check out another person’s criminal record?

Can I check out another person’s criminal record?

When it comes to knowing someone’s past, particularly their criminal history, the desire for transparency and security often prompts individuals to seek access to another person’s criminal record. However, this seemingly simple quest for information is not without its legal complexities and ethical considerations. Before delving into the intricacies of obtaining such sensitive data, it’s…

How to Get a Fair Amount From Your Workers’ Comp Settlement

How to Get a Fair Amount From Your Workers’ Comp Settlement

If you’ve been injured on the job, you’re likely navigating the complex world of workers’ compensation. This guide aims to help you understand the intricacies of workers’ comp settlements and, more importantly, how to ensure you receive a fair and just compensation for your injuries. Let’s start by defining what a workers’ compensation settlement is.…

Suing for harassment or discrimination in the workplace

Suing for harassment or discrimination in the workplace

Workplace harassment and discrimination are issues that have garnered significant attention in recent years, and for good reason. They represent not only an affront to the principles of fairness and equality but also a serious threat to the well-being and productivity of employees. Defining Workplace Harassment Workplace harassment is a term that encompasses a wide…

How to File a Workers’ Compensation Claim

How to File a Workers’ Compensation Claim

Workers’ compensation is a crucial system designed to protect employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. It provides financial and medical benefits to help injured workers recover and return to work. Understanding the workers’ compensation process is essential for individuals who find themselves injured on the job, as it ensures they receive the necessary support…

Was your firing illegal? Let’s talk about wrongful termination

Was your firing illegal? Let’s talk about wrongful termination

Losing a job is a difficult experience that can be emotionally and financially taxing. However, losing your job due to wrongful termination can make matters even worse. Wrongful termination refers to the act of firing an employee in violation of the law or public policy. If you suspect that your firing was illegal, it is…

What happens to Unemployment Benefits if you quit?

What happens to Unemployment Benefits if you quit?

Unemployment benefits are a type of financial assistance provided to individuals who have lost their jobs and are actively seeking new employment. These benefits are intended to help workers maintain their financial stability while they are in-between jobs. However, a common question that arises for individuals considering quitting their job is: what happens to unemployment…

When must an employer play overtime?

When must an employer play overtime?

As an employee, you may be eligible for overtime pay if you work more than a certain number of hours in a week. Overtime pay is a higher rate of pay that is given to employees who work more than the standard workweek. It is important for both employers and employees to understand overtime regulations…

If a customer tips me in scratch tickets and I win something, do I have to split it with them?

If a customer tips me in scratch tickets and I win something, do I have to split it with them?

This is a common scenario specifically for bartenders and servers as it is most common with them, but it can happen in a variety of situations. The idea is that a customer, usually some sort of regular at the establishment, is tipping an employee with scratch tickets or lottery tickets. The employee is not providing…